Meet the Review Wave Team

Review Wave didn’t happen by chance. The path to success means taking massive, determined action. Matt Prados knew his purpose was to change the world of health care, but it wouldn’t be easy.
“He needed to rewire the way people view health care appointments.”
How often do you look at your calendar and think, “ I don’t have time for that.” But, if everyone was raving about what a great experience their appointment was, suddenly everyone would have time.
That’s because people crave experiences!
“Matt’s always said “any business that can help someone smile, is changing the world.” An experience that can make someone smile will last a lifetime.”
While people should always put their health as a priority, it doesn’t come easy for everyone. Our lives are busy! Sometimes you need a little convincing. The fear of missing out.
The key to changing the world of health care needed to start with a digital transformation. If health care practices were easily searchable online and had hundreds of people raving about how exceptional their experience was, people would go out of their way to be there.
And then the lightbulb went off! Review Wave came to life. Review Wave began as a simple review company to help practices build their online presence, but has evolved into a powerful patient experience engine.
Our software is specifically designed to create a totally unique, extraordinary experience that will brighten someone’s day while also growing your practice to new heights!
We’ve helped over 10 million patients start prioritizing their health care appointments because they had a one of a kind patient experience.
The Garage Days
Just like all the best rockstars, we started out in a garage! 7 misfits. 1 big idea. On the cusp of greatness.
“It can only be described as organized chaos.”
Trial and error. Sleepless nights. Pushing through losses. Overcoming setbacks. None of that mattered because we are relentless.
Our success is not only due to hard work, it comes down to attitude. Everyone on our team is an A-player. It’s all hands on deck to get the job done; no task is too big or too small.
We move at lightning speed, we aim high, and we come to work every day ready to make the impossible, possible.
We Are On A Mission
Our mission is to help doctors improve their patient experience, which in turn will help millions of patients receive better healthcare!