Meet The Team

Matt Prados, Founder & CEO The Head Honcho DESCRIPTION Don’t let his intimidating brains & appearance fool you, he’s secretly a teddy bear who knows how to grow a business! Matt is no stranger to the chiropractic industry. He’s had over 80 chiropractors in his family! Matt’s unstoppable mentality has led him to build a product […]

The Best Chiropractic EHR Software in 2022

The Best Chiropractic Software in 2022: Top 10 Electronic Health Record (EHR) Comparisons Below With a number of options to choose from, picking the best Electronic Health Record (EHR) software can be a daunting and complicated task. Especially, if you aren’t sure which points are most important to compare. That’s why we took the time […]

Boosting Your Numbers with Appointment Reminders

Let’s face it, patients don’t always show up when they agree to! It’s an inevitable fact that doctor appointments are going to be broken. National Institutes of Health studies reveal that a whopping 42% of medical appointments are skipped out on. When each and every appointment affects your bottom dollar, that number is too high […]

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